Sorry it's been so long since I've last updated. I think I just got swallowed up in everything that was going on and figured I'd update people in a more personal way.
So, a quick update since my last post:
IVF worked for us the first time around and I am now 20 weeks 5 days pregnant with twin boys...YAYYYYY!!! The first trimester pretty much sucked because I wasn't able to keep much food down, not much appealed to me and I lost about 12lbs. I was also super exhausted and slept all the time. About 2 weeks into my second trimester my appetite returned and I started having more energy. At 16 weeks I started feeling the babies move, which was amazing and movements have only been getting stronger and more frequent. I think overall the pregnancy has gone well so far. I've had hip issues (pinched nerves and stuff like that), but nothing major. We've been working hard to prepare for the boys' arrival, which hopefully won't be happening for another 16 weeks or so. J is incredibly excited about having two boys and is already thinking about things he wants to do with them (mostly sports related haha). Other than that my belly's growing lots and I'm looking forward to my shower in April (thrown by my wonderful sister in law) so that I can celebrate this time with all the amazing women in my life.
I'll try to update on things more regularly from now on. I probably won't post many pictures because people can look at those on my facebook page.