Saturday, April 9, 2011

Feeling hopeful

Today I'm feeling hopeful and trying to make it last. A couple different reasons why: J and I have been doing a lot of talking lately and, despite being told by the urologist that we will likely not be able to conceive naturally, we're not going to just give up on it. "It takes just one." That's what J said last night. Also, after talking to a dear friend of my mine who was told the same thing and is now expecting a baby girl, who was conceived naturally, I'm seeing that it's real. I also go on fertility message boards and hear of women who have tried IVF or are about and conceive naturally. My attitude right now is let's keep trying hard to have this baby naturally, but if it comes down to it, we'll do whatever it takes to conceive - whether it's assisted reproduction or not. I've already told myself "This is my year to get pregnant!" In the meantime, I'm signing up to attend an infertility support group though RESOLVE ( and a seminar at Oregon Reproductive Medicine ( to get more information about our options. I'm also going to turn into a total "bug-a-boo" and call the doctor until I find out how I can get some answers out of him regarding the ultrasound results and his recommendations.

It's amazing that through this, J and I have gotten so much stronger and continue to remain connected because it really does take a toll on a couple. I remain understanding and non-blaming because this isn't his issue, it's OURS and we'll get through it together. Everyday we want this baby more and more and we're gonna make it happen.


  1. i absolutely love reading about this. even though i'm so far away from you it seems like i'm going through this with you when i read about it. stay strong sissy! you two are the most AMAZING couple i have ever met and i know you were put together for a reason. i love both of you with my whole heart.

  2. Thanks, Trish! That means a lot to mean me =) You're gonna be an amazing auntie when the time comes! Love you so much!!

  3. This year is your year! I know it! I am sure J isn't opposed to all the 'work' it takes to make a baby! HAVE FUN!!! :) Love you!

  4. Stay encouraged. I am always praying for you both. A friend of mine's mother was told she would never have kids and she kept trying and conceived naturally. They called the first daughter a miracle baby. Then she got pregnant again with another daughter. You know the 2nd daughter, Elana, my maid of honor =). God will make a way, Faith is everything.
    Like Monica said, enjoy the work... =)
