It's great to be actually able to talk about unexpected, good news. J went in yesterday for his 3rd semen analysis and got his results back super quick. The doctor called and told him that according to his results, she doesn't think it will be necessary to do a biopsy to retrieve sperm or an ICSI (directing injecting sperm into the egg) because he had enough viable sperm in his sample. This is HUGE because we'll now be saving up to $3,000 since we won't have to do those two procedures. In a way it makes it feel like the IVF will be more "natural" because J's sperm will be fertilizing my eggs on their own (even if it's still in a petri dish haha). So, it sounds like she wants him to come back for another sample to freeze (yesterday's was frozen) and then when it comes closer to egg retrieval/fertilization time (probably mid Sept), he'll give a fresh sample and the other two will be back ups.
This news really brought my spirits up and gave me even more hope that things are going to work out for us. Two more weeks until I start my blood work and ultrasounds to get things going. I just need to stay on track for losing weight and staying healthy!
I am so happy for you guys! One more step closer!