Yesterday, J and I finally had our initial consultation at ORM and I'm happy to say that it went really well! I absolutely love our doctor (Dr. Elizabeth Barbieri). I was referred to her by someone and I can see why she loved her so much. I have to say that a lot of the consult was a review for me since I've been researching IVF like crazy for the past few months. I asked her about how my high BMI would affect our success rates (which I already knew the answer to, but I wanted to hear it from her). She told me that chances can be 30% lower if an IVF patient is overweight. She was very caring and sweet about it, but basically told me that to increase my odds of conceiving, having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, I should lose 20-30lbs. Luckily, I had been preparing myself for this for a while so I wasn't shocked or anything.
Here's the time line she gave us:
1st month of treatment (will start at the end of July): testing phase
2nd month of treatment: Prep phase
3rd month of treatment: Egg retrieval/implantation & hopefully a positive pregnancy test by October!!
So, that gives me a total of 4 months before I would be pregnant...4 months to lose 20-30lbs! I know I can do it. This is the biggest motivation for me ever and I don't even look at it as an option to not lose the weight. That means as of right now my mindset has changed from waiting for answers and a plan to ...OPERATION: GETTING FIT TO GET FAT! Haha!
YAY! I love the name of your operation! Too cute! October sounds liek a great month to get pregnant!